No networks device available
– PROBLEM I get an problem “no networks device available” on ubuntu 14.04 after update my system by Software Updater.
– PROBLEM I get an problem “no networks device available” on ubuntu 14.04 after update my system by Software Updater.
Kalau di yii1, kita bisa menggunakan modul ‘rights’ & ‘user’ untuk Otentikasi dan Otorisasi. Sedangkan di yii2 kita bisa gunakan modul ‘yii2-admin’. HASIL MODULE YII2-ADMIN : Tutorial kali ini saya menggunakan linux, so bagi yang mengunakan windows ngga masalah toh… Continue Reading
In this article i will show you how to install multiple php version in localhost (php 5.3.29 and php5.5.0). To install multiple php in your machine, wee need PHPFarm and FastCGI. Let’s make it!
This article will explain How to Using cronjob in yii1 to making a file every minutes. 1) First, create a file in /protected/commands/CronjobCommand.php
I get the error “Unhandled error message: Host key verfication failed” when trying to connect to VPS using sftp nautilus (file > connect to server). The error caused by file “known_hosts” in your local machine. File “known_hosts” store a key authenticating when you connect… Continue Reading