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  1. I haven’t got any error in coding but when I run the App_dijkstra I has error called
    => Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Landroid/UnusedStub;
    =>Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Landroid/UnusedStub;

  2. My error was clean after writing the comment to you. I also did the same as you told many time. But I found some error in your source code – => I changed it to .I also do the same in the user permission tag to change it to the package name (com.app.dijkstra)you given. Then I change and . The next error I found in the log is google key authentication so I have made the new key for the package com.app.dijkstra. Now all error is solved but it take nearly a month. Thank you for your reply.

  3. Gan, saya kan sudah mencoba Tutor ” Implementasi algoritma dijkstra di PHP ” Tetapi saya mengubah lokasi kotanya, Pas di Run tidak jalan kenapa ?
    bisa kirim Pin BM di azizsen07@gmail.com

    • versi phpny udah >= 5.5 belum?
      kalo udah mungkin errorny di tempat lain, klik kanan > inspect element > console log, nanti errornya ketauan dari situ.

  4. Gan saya habis melihat tutorial implementasi algoritma dijkstra di php, Kalo untuk yang cara graf nya ke simpan dalam database ada contohnya tidak?

  5. Assalamualaikum..
    gan klo membuat pencarian seperti google, tpi pencariannya lebh dri satu..
    misal saya punya tabel A pnya bumbu: cabai, garam, gula. B pnya bmbu: cabai, mrica, bawang merah, garam. C pnya bmbu kencur, jahe .trus inputanyya cabai, garam, gula .nah bgaimana menampilkannya dn urutannya brdsarkan dta yg cock palg bnyak, .

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